Faith For What You Don’t See

Sometimes, the toughest test of faith is not trying to figure out HOW God will do what He said He will do.

For me, I want to know everything, but I learned something very powerful that I want to share with you.

I was at church yesterday and a dear friend shared a testimony about God’s favour.

To sum up the testimony, he and his family decided to financially bless another family, who experienced a loss. God spoke to the man and told him to “double” the amount he decided to give. He told the Lord that he would have to show him where that money was going to come from because it was a lot and he just did not see it. So, God did that. He moved in the heart of another person to give him a checque in advance for work he had not done yet. Though he was reluctant, he obeyed God and used that money plus the money he intended to give to bless that family in need. In turn, he needed an instrument fixed and God moved in the heart of a person at a music store to do it for him, free or charge!!! In the end, this man received insight into God’s favour.

BUT, as I listened, my mind went back to the family who had experienced the loss. They may never know all of the things God was working behind the scenes to ensure they received the blessing  He had intended for them.

I thought “there is  nothing that can hold the father back from blessing His children”.

I want to encourage you that no matter what situation you might be facing today, you can put it to the Lord and He will come through for you.

Some are wondering, how am I going from point “A” to point “B”?

You might be working hard on a project or goal and at the point of frustration because things are not going exactly how you thought. Perhaps, something unexpected has come up that is out of your control and you are wondering, how you are going to make it.  Just to your best to give your best with what you have. Put the rest to God.

Don’t think about how he will do it. It will drive you nuts – I’ve have been there. Just know that if He says He will do it; He will.

It was God that caused Joseph to find favour Pharaoh’s sight; He was elevated from prison to oversee the affairs in Egypt.  It was God who caused the Pharaoh to need an interpreter for his dream; who caused the chief butler to be promoted and speak to Pharaoh; who caused Pharaoh to change Joseph’s position. The favour of God covers your life.

Those “what if” thoughts will always come,but you have the power to choose to believe what God says about Himself.  Then you can act in faith, and keep working towards the purpose for which you are called, knowing that the can and will do everything thing that needs to be done to accomplish the work he has started in you.

Don’t give up – God will show Himself strong in your life.

Isaiah 43:15-19

15I am the LORD, your Holy One,

Israel’s Creator and King.

16I am the LORD, who opened a way through the waters,

making a dry path through the sea.

17I called forth the mighty army of Egypt

with all its chariots and horses.

I drew them beneath the waves, and they drowned,

their lives snuffed out like a smoldering candlewick.

18“But forget all that—

it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.

19For I am about to do something new.

See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?

I will make a pathway through the wilderness.

I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.


– Stay connected!



Being transparent can be really hard especially if you grew up on the defense. I was taught that I couldn’t let anyone know everything about you. It was so that I was protected against letting anyone use my experiences against me in a hurtful way or judge me by them. The problem is, I became fearful of people over time, even those who loved me the most and I learned to suppress some of the challenges I faced, even after they were over. It became important for me to keep up appearances; you can read about some of those in the previous blogs.
For the past two years I have really been strengthened by the testimonies of others. It is the first time that I have noticed how open and honest some people can be despite having pressure to maintain a reputation from their immediate social circle. I have heard from Christians who once struggled  with addictions, depression, in abusive relationships and a list of other things that I never would know just by seeing how good life is for them at present. The beauty in their testimonies came from an emphasis on a God who rescues us in the deepest, darkest, most horrific experiences that threaten one’s person-hood. Since I have been so impacted by their experiences, I am choosing to be more transparent for the benefit of others as well.
While I think that one should be wise when choosing to share intimate details of their life, I also believe that it is not good to live with the fear of what others might do to us. It has robbed some of us from sharing the grace God has poured out in our lives.  In turn, some people who really need to know that He can heal and wants to restore them from their brokenness, are really missing out on that knowledge. As a result, people who are suffering will continue to feel alone, without hope, and live with a sense of shame. The devil magnifies condemnation. The effects can kill a person before they actually die – if you know what I mean.  Think about how much someone living in that bondage needs to hear about the intimate God who stopped by and was so attentive to offer His strength and has the capacity to transform their lives. He can even cause the bad to work out for good (Romans 8: 28).
Today, I make the appeal to you to stay connected to God and share those testimonies of redemption.  Remember the Lover of your soul who rescued you and how He ministered grace in your life. Remember the release from sinful strongholds of sin and hardships you have experienced. Pray for God to instill that compassion for others to be so strong that even the threat of shame and fear has no place to be cultivated in you. Ask God for boldness to share with others about the work He has done in your life. People will always have something to say but you will over come by the word of your testimony (Rev 12:11).
I encourage you to read the story of a woman who Jesus met at a well in the book of John 4: 1-42.  In His compassion, He saved her from a life of adultery. He did not use her life choices against her but offered her new life. She took Him up on this offer and immediately she was changed. She ran with excitement to share her experience with others. Can you imagine the joy she felt for what He had done for her? She helped others come Him and find this man who met her at the well. She is an example for us all. Below is a video of another testimony that has moved me. Please watch it and think : who do you know that could benefit from your testimony?
Be open, honest and know that He has your whole life in His hands. Stay connected to God – He is happy to have that connection with you.