Under Pressure: Don’t Break!


I’m nearing the end of another semester and as final assignments approach I tend to feel pressure. Especially if I have procrastinated with any assignments; boy, there is an intensity that I can’t explain. Despite knowing that the work is necessary to obtain my degree, my emotions tend to feel overwhelmed when there is so much going on.

So what do I do?

I call on the Lord. I look to my help in the Word. I give thanks and I keep working. I move on knowing that graduation is just around the corner.

I believe that this is preparation for the responsibilities I will hold someday career-wise. Learning to work under pressure is going to be vital. I need to be able to stay calm, think objectively and make good decisions.

When I was a younger, I used to get really down about those moments when things just seemed like they were too much to handle.  I would respond emotionally and more often then naught, give up on very important tasks. Now that I have mature, my perspective has changed. Now that I know the Spirit of God is alive and well in me, I can endure.

Now, let’s put this little example to work…

In Matthew 24: 5-13, Jesus teaches about the end time.  He gives very clear description of what believers should expect to see when the end of the world as we know it comes. Many of what we should expect is already taking place in various parts of the world: famine, wars, earthquakes, some being persecuted for their faith and etc…

Now its a far cry from university exams and surely, living in the west, my definition of pressure is very different than the people who are already experiencing these things.

Who knows how long it will be before some of us will begin to feel the pains before Christ’s return?

All I do know is that now is the time to prepare. Just like studying for my exams and researching for my papers, we should be getting deep in the scripture and be alert for that great day.

The tough times we have now are only a prelude to what will come.

How ready are you?

Will you be able to identify the Savior’s voice differently than the false prophets to stand up can say they are lord? Will you give in a break down in the face of famine? What will happen when war if war strips us from our loved ones? Who will be the ones that turn away for Christ? Who will betray and hate their brothers and sisters?

While I cannot know exactly how I will act then, I do know that I have gained some important weapons now: prayer, scripture and faith.

God has already given us everything we need to overcome those days. Take the time now to prepare.

In the midst of what we face now: don’t break under pressure. Don’t let today’s circumstances determine your disposition but rather stand firm. Be resolute. Deal will every circumstance in prayer, praise and actively living out God’s Word.  Let it Him your guide today, because He will lead you all the way to His Kingdom. If Jesus has promised that the one who stands will make it all the way, then we can trust Him to fulfill this Word.

Matthew 24:13 (NIV)

 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.